The Gas Monitors e-learning course enables you to learn all about Explosive, Toxic, Oxygen, or other types of gas monitors and detectors, gas detection systems used in the industry.
You will learn all about Gas Monitors in this course.
Detailed Information
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What are Gas Detectors?
Gas detectors (also known as gas monitors) refer to a category of instruments that are used to detect the presence or absence of one or more kinds of gases in an area. So for example a Carbon Monoxide gas monitor in your home is used to warn you when excess levels of CO are detected. In many industries, such as Oil and Gas, Chemical, Power generation, Pulp and paper and Mining, many workplaces may have presence of hazardous gases that are toxic and or explosive, for example Hydrogen Sulfide. Such places use portable gas detectors, explosive gas detectors to know in advance the ambient levels of poisonous gases in the area. On the other hand some gases like Oxygen are essential for us to survive and Oxygen gas detectors and meters are used to confirm that the area is suitable for entry. For example for entering a sewer pipeline for maintenance work, we must use the toxic gas detector (for example a portable gas detector) as well as an Oxygen gas detector to find out if the area is safe for entry.
Why this Gas detector Training Course?
Abhisam is the global pioneer in creating e-learning self paced courses for engineers and technicians all over the world. Gas detection and gas monitoring is a niche subject, but very critical for any Instrumentation & Control Systems engineer, Automation Engineer or technician and a Safety Engineer to understand. This is because there are many different types of gas detection techniques such as catalytic combustion, semiconductor, infrared and so on and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is essential for any engineer to know the specific capabilities of these gas sensors to select and install the correct one, as also to understand how to calibrate and maintain them.
Gas Monitors Training Course- Customer Testimonial
This is the best course I have come across in Gas detection systems. I am working in an Oil & Gas processing plant.
After completing this course, I have got lot of confidence in the system.
The information that we learn can be directly applied in our day to day operations.
The course is well written in a simple language without missing the essential information.
The information that we learn in this course cannot be learned even in a regular “fire and gas systems course” which costs multiple times than this. It is very useful for engineers who are working in design and operation & maintenance as well not to exclude sales.
Mr. Natarajan, Saudi Arabia
Why should I buy this course? Is it a Power Point Presentation or a Video?
No, it is not a Power Point presentation or a video of a guy speaking. It is a full fledged self paced e-learning course with animations and simulations to explain key concepts. You will easily understand for example how an Infrared gas detector works or how a catalytic combustion detector works. There is an old saying that “A picture is better than a thousand words”. Well an animation is much better than a 1000 pictures. You can see some examples of it in the Demo. But there is really nothing like it anywhere else.
This training course has several modules (you will spend about 10 hours to complete all of them) that have text, animations & simulations to explain key concepts, situational videos, real life videos of how to test a Chlorine gas monitor and so on. After you complete this course you can take the associated exam and earn a Certificate of Competency and an electronic badge via Credly.
Why can’t I get this for free?
You can of course trawl the internet and search for information but much of this course is created by our experts and is not available online anywhere else. One of the problems with the internet is that for general topics, there is a flood of information and you have tons of it. For specialized and niche topics, there is a lot of information but much of it may be either not authentic, or could be opinions presented as facts, or pure marketing hype or completely outdated. Theoretically you may be be able to search for everything and compile it and understand it, but you will likely spend at least a year doing it. You surely value your time, do you not? On the other hand, you need to only spend on this course, 10 hours of your time in going through it and then you can always earn a Certificate of Competency plus an electronic badge.
The material in this course is presented in a very structured and logical manner, so one thing leads to the next and you will have several “Ah-Ha!” moments. We do not think you could ever find all this information free on the internet.
Can I not buy a book?
You will not get all this information in a single book, you will have to buy several. Then, a book will not have animations, so it is kinda hard to understand. However even if you take one look at the animated workings shown in the Abhisam e-learning course, you will understand in a jiffy. Books may be having obsolete information, so that is not a viable alternative to a real training course.
Lastly nobody will issue you a certificate because you read a book.
So what’s in this course?
Here are the contents in detail below:
Lesson One – Introduction to Gas Monitors
- What is a Gas Monitor?
- Why use a Gas Monitor?
- History of Gas Monitors
- Where are Gas Monitors used ? – Oil refining
- Where are Gas Monitors used ? – Storage Tanks
- Where are Gas Monitors used ? – Oil Production
- Where are Gas Monitors used ? – Electronics and semiconductor plants
- A typical gas monitor
- A personal Gas Monitor
- A portable Gas Monitor
- A fixed Gas Monitor
Lesson Two – Basic Concepts
- Fire Triangle
- Lower Explosive Limit and Upper Explosive Limit
- Flash Point
- Accuracy
- Accuracy and Inaccuracy
- Accuracy of a Gas Monitor
- ReviewQ1
- Calibration
- Linearity
- Repeatability
- Repeatability and Accuracy
- An exercise in repeatability
Lesson Three – Explosive and Toxic Gases
- Explosive Gases and Toxic Gases
- Regulatory & Standards Bodies
- Terminology – Explosive Gases
- Terminology – Toxic gases
- TWA (Time Weighted Average)
- More on TWA (Time Weighted Average)
- STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit)
- IDLH & Ceiling Limit
- REL, PEL & TLV – What do they mean ?
- REL, PEL & TLV – Some Values
- A graph of TWA, STEL and Ceiling Limits
- ReviewQ2
Lesson One – Catalytic Combustion Type
- Catalytic Combustion sensor – How it works
- Catalytic Combustion sensor – Construction
- Catalytic Combustion sensor – Characteristics
- Catalytic Combustion sensor – Advantages and Disadvantages
Lesson Two – Electrochemical Type
- Electrochemical sensors – Principles
- Electrochemical sensors-Actual Operation
- Electrochemical sensors – Construction
- Electrochemical sensors – Other Characteristics
- Electrochemical sensors – Interference
- Electrochemical sensors – Advantages and Disadvantages
Lesson Three – Semiconductor Type
- Semiconductor sensors – Introduction
- Semiconductor sensors – Working
- Semiconductor sensors – Advantages and Disadvantages
Lesson Four – Infra Red Type
- Infra Red sensors – How are they different ?
- Waves
- Basics of Waves
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Infra Red sensors – Basic Concepts
- Transmittance and Absorbance
- Infra Red Sensors – Beer Lambert Law
- Infra Red sensors – Absorption Pattern of Methane
- Infra Red monitors
- Infra Red monitors – Dispersive
- Infra Red monitors – Non Dispersive
- Open Path IR
- Infra Red Gas Monitors – Open Path Concepts
- Point Type IR
- Infra Red Gas Monitors – Point Type and Open Path
- Infra Red Gas Monitors -Advantages and Disadvantages
Lesson Five – PID Type
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Introduction
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Principle of Operation
- Photo Ionization Detectors – A typical instrument
- Photo Ionization Detectors – The UV Lamp
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Kinds of Lamps
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Lamp selection
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Correction Factors
- Photo Ionization Detectors – VOC Monitoring
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Alarm Limits
- Photo Ionization Detectors – Advantages and Disadvantages
- Modular Gas Detectors
- Portable Gas Detectors
- Use in Hazardous Areas
- Review Q3
MODULE 3 – Gas Monitoring Systems
Lesson One – Dedicated Systems
- Dedicated Systems – Introduction
- Dedicated Systems – The channel card
- Dedicated Systems – Architecture
- Dedicated Systems-Advantages and Disadvantages
Lesson Two – Open Systems
- Open Systems – Introduction
- Open Systems – Integrated DCS & Gas Monitoring System
- Open Systems – Other possibilities
- Open Systems – Advantages & Disadvantages
MODULE 4 – Installation, Calibration & Maintenance
Lesson One – Planning & Installation of Gas Monitors
- Planning of Gas Monitoring systems
- Planning of Gas Monitoring systems – placement
- Relative weights of different gases
- Planning of Gas Monitoring systems – placement
- Placement of the Gas Monitors
Lesson Two – Calibration and Testing
- Calibration of Gas Monitors
- Preparation for Calibration
- Calibration of Gas Monitors – Example
- Calibration of Gas Monitors – Bump Test
- LEL values of Explosive Gases
- Correction Factors – Catalytic Combustion Monitors
- Calibration Factors – PID instruments
- Calibration – Tips for a better Gas Monitor performance
Lesson Three – Maintenance
- Maintenance of Gas Monitors – Introduction
- Maintenance of Gas Monitors – example
Self Assessment Test
After you complete the modules, you can take the self assessment test that enables you to measure your level of understanding of hazardous area instruments. It also can be used as a mock test or practice test, to help you pass the final certification exam.
Free Certification
It is not enough to just learn the technology, you need to show to your employers, bosses and clients (both current and future) that you have understood the subject and are qualified to work on them. For this you need a trusted third party to certify your knowledge.
Luckily, you have Abhisam, one of the most popular e-learning and training companies in the world, to do this for you. Simply take the associated exam that follows this Fieldbus Training Course and you can earn a Certificate of Competency and an electronic badge (issued via Credly, the largest badge issuer on the planet). Abhisam is a verified Credly badge issuer and this fact enables you to easily share your newly achieved digital credential on places online, such as LinkedIn and Facebook. This showcases your achievements to the whole world as well as your connections and is a great way of landing a better job or assignment.
The best part of this is that it is included with the course fee, so there is nothing extra to pay!
Enterprise Versions
We have different versions for individuals and companies or large organizations. If you are a company or similar large organization, then you can buy the Enterprise Version of this course. It allows every learner to have a separate account, to access the course and complete it at his or her own pace. You as an employer or boss, can get a complete record of learner activity on the portal including time spent on every module and test scores. This is an easy way to keep training records if it is mandated by either your internal procedures or by an external agency.
Your learners also earn 40 Professional Development Hours (PDH) for this course.
If you already have a Learning Management System (LMS) in your organization that accepts SCORM or TinCan content, then we can stream this course directly to your LMS, so that your learners can have all their training modules in one place. The pricing for this service is different, please get in touch with us to know more.
Who buys your courses?
Our self paced e-learning courses are purchased by individual engineers who wish to upgrade their knowledge, companies who wish to train their employees and sometimes even government bodies, who wish to be up to date with technology. Many of our courses are used by Fortune 500 companies. The list of our customers is too big to be fitted on one page. A sampling appears on the Customers page of this website.